Célunk, hogy a fiatalok ne csak tájékozódni tudjanak, hanem úttörők legyenek a fejlődő digitális világban
Egy Logiscool-os kisfiú édesanyja
Maradj naprakész a legfrissebb híreinkkel!

Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy 2024-ben is visszatér a nemzetközi Rajzpályázatunk! Ismét keressük az idei Junior Designert! Ha gyermeked egy egyedi játékfigurát alkot, és a műve az International Top 10-be kerül, digitálisan életre keltjük a rajzát a Scoolcode-ban, így ő lehet a diákjaink digitális projektjeinek sztárja. A Scoolerek egy rajzot nyújthatnak be személyenként 2024. október 7. és október 27. között (a benyújtás 18:00 GMT-kor zárul). Kezdődjön a kreatív kaland!

Early digital education of children is now essential. Basic programming knowledge and digital literacy are necessary in all areas of the future. Come to our free open day online or in person, and with the help of our trainers, you can get to know an exciting new world. Try the Logiscool experience together!
Ismerd meg csapatunkat
The Logiscool Center in Turda (Cluj County) opened in September 2021 out of the desire to bring as many children as possible closer to what is new,, to the digital world and finally to their future in an attractive, safe and friendly way.
We want every child who joins us to come out of this experience with Logiscool, no matter how long or short, with newly acquired knowledge and skills and especially with confidence in himself and the future. Our students’s enthusiasm and curiosity motivates us and gives us confidence.
Not even a semester past in our young’s center activity and what gives us confidence in the future even more than the international and national success of the Logiscool model, are the over 80 students that have already enrolled in this short time, very special children: curious, creative and ingenious.
But what we are most proud of here at Logiscool Turda-Cluj is the fact that here children learn to compete only with themselves so that today each of them is better than they were yesterday: it's all each one needs in order to excel, while still learning to collaborate with each other.
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