Célunk, hogy a fiatalok ne csak tájékozódni tudjanak, hanem úttörők legyenek a fejlődő digitális világban

Egy Logiscool-os kisfiú édesanyja
A gyermekem tudása stabilabb matematikából, mióta a Logiscoolba jár. Nem csak össze-vissza nyomkodja a billentyűzetet, hanem tanul is, hasznosan tölti az időt.

Maradj naprakész a legfrissebb híreinkkel!

Idén is elindulhattok nemzetközi Rajzpályázatunkon!
2024. október 7.

Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy 2024-ben is visszatér a nemzetközi Rajzpályázatunk! Ismét keressük az idei Junior Designert! Ha gyermeked egy egyedi játékfigurát alkot, és a műve az International Top 10-be kerül, digitálisan életre keltjük a rajzát a Scoolcode-ban, így ő lehet a diákjaink digitális projektjeinek sztárja. A Scoolerek egy rajzot nyújthatnak be személyenként 2024. október 7. és október 27. között (a benyújtás 18:00 GMT-kor zárul). Kezdődjön a kreatív kaland!

Summer camps 2022
2023. május 8.

Let's start the fun! This year the summer camps are the best opportunity for children to spend time with other children his age, socializing and spending time outdoors.

We are sure that you will find the right camp for your child, combining programming with activities through which we discover new passions together.

The summer camps take place between June 13 and September 2. We are waiting for children aged 6-18 in our camps that last 5 days - half a day or a full day.

Join the camps!

2023. február 23.
Courses registration

2023. január 6.
Courses registration

2022. december 10.
A Digital Discovery kurzusunk hivatalosan is a 'Legjobb Új Digitális Kurzus'!

Ismerd meg csapatunkat

Logiscool Suceava has opened its doors to children and teenagers who want to create something amazing in February 2020. We are prepared and dedicated to teaching children the language of the future.

The main goal of our team is to make children excited about the latest innovations, to learn how interesting the world can be, to get the knowledge they need to change the future, while having fun. Seeing the curiosity of our students grow day by day is really motivating for us as a team.

In the two years of existence, at Logiscool Suceava more than 700 students participated online or at the headquarters in our holiday modules, in the demonstration lessons and in the programming and robotics courses.

It is wonderful to see how happy the children come to courses, how motivated are they when they discover how easy it is to schedule and how happy they are when at the end of each lesson, the project works perfectly for them. When, after a semester of programming, parents write to you that at Logiscool it’s “the only place where the child is in a hurry not to be late", and that "we are the team of the future, which has found the solution to learn with passion’" children say about programming that it is "a magic show without limits", and about Logiscool, the children say that it is "the coolest place for me", we can only be grateful for the appreciation! All the unconditional appreciation and feedback received from children and parents confirms that we are on the right track. Thank you!

We are the proudest of our community in Suceava. Our children learn together, have fun and play with friends with similar interests, either physically, at our headquarters or virtually on MyLogiscool.

Fotó galéria

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