Célunk, hogy a fiatalok ne csak tájékozódni tudjanak, hanem úttörők legyenek a fejlődő digitális világban
Egy Logiscool-os kisfiú édesanyja
Maradj naprakész a legfrissebb híreinkkel!

Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy 2024-ben is visszatér a nemzetközi Rajzpályázatunk! Ismét keressük az idei Junior Designert! Ha gyermeked egy egyedi játékfigurát alkot, és a műve az International Top 10-be kerül, digitálisan életre keltjük a rajzát a Scoolcode-ban, így ő lehet a diákjaink digitális projektjeinek sztárja. A Scoolerek egy rajzot nyújthatnak be személyenként 2024. október 7. és október 27. között (a benyújtás 18:00 GMT-kor zárul). Kezdődjön a kreatív kaland!

Early digital education of children is now essential. Basic programming knowledge and digital literacy are necessary in all areas of the future. Come to our free open day online or in person, and with the help of our trainers, you can get to know an exciting new world. Try the Logiscool experience together!
Ismerd meg csapatunkat

Welcome to Logiscool Oradea!
We are happy to invite you in this wonderful and challenging world of technology! Here, at Logiscool Oradea, our children and teenagers with ages between 7-17 will have the opportunity to experience the secrets of programming in a constructive way, in a creative and inspirational environment!
We set out on this path with a lot of enthusiasm in February 2020, being the 30th Logiscool school in the national network (network that has reached over 50 units). Since then, we overcome a lot of obstacles and challenges together with our students and trainers team.
The joy and satisfaction we see on the faces of our students everytime they successfully complete a project, the joy they convey, as well as the enthusiasm, persevering and the ongoing perfectionist spirit of our trainers give us the strength to continue on our path day by day!
Some data about us:
- we have over 400 students participating in our courses, workshops and camps;
- around 50 students continue their courses in our school for almost 2 years,reaching the 5th semester of study;
- we held over 30 camps (on site or online), addressing various topics adapted to different age groups of students, from Minecraft and Roblox, to Junior Design, Android App or even robotics;
We are proud of the fact that, in addition to developing digital skills, our team works to develop the required complementary skills to our students (soft-skills): teamwork, ability to solve problems, creativity, algorithmic thinking; all these leading to an increase of self-confidence. We built in Oradea a strong community of Logiscool students. The friendships related to our courses go beyond the school space and last over time. The kids willingness to learn and improve their programming skills, the fun, the pleasant atmosphere, the team spirit, the open and friendly collaboration with trainers make our students to look forward to each new programming session at Logiscool!
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