Célunk, hogy a fiatalok ne csak tájékozódni tudjanak, hanem úttörők legyenek a fejlődő digitális világban
Egy Logiscool-os kisfiú édesanyja
Maradj naprakész a legfrissebb híreinkkel!

Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy 2024-ben is visszatér a nemzetközi Rajzpályázatunk! Ismét keressük az idei Junior Designert! Ha gyermeked egy egyedi játékfigurát alkot, és a műve az International Top 10-be kerül, digitálisan életre keltjük a rajzát a Scoolcode-ban, így ő lehet a diákjaink digitális projektjeinek sztárja. A Scoolerek egy rajzot nyújthatnak be személyenként 2024. október 7. és október 27. között (a benyújtás 18:00 GMT-kor zárul). Kezdődjön a kreatív kaland!

Let's start the summer vacation fun! This year our urban camps are the best opportunity to make new friends who have the same passions, socializing and spending time together.
During the summer break, we will have a digital Logiscool activity every day, in the form of special half-day camps, held at the school.
Throughout the summer, children will be able to explore interesting and different topics: Minecraft, Roblox, Video Production and more.
Ismerd meg csapatunkat

We opened Logiscool Constanța with enthusiasm in 2019, to participate in the digital education of the little ones. We want to contribute to their development as curious people, masters of themselves and of the information that they have. Together we will embark on a journey in which we cultivate children's programming skills and at the same time encourage their creativity.
Our goal is to teach children to interact with the digital world and to guide them to discover the secrets of programming. And we try to do it in the most interesting and enjoyable way possible. Our school is focused on developing children's digital skills through an attractive form of teaching.
We are happy that so far, more than 2,000 children have joined our school. Along with them, we grew as a team.
Our trainers are young people who are passionate about technology. They have developed their programming knowledge as well teaching skills since they have been part of the Logiscool family.
The diversity of courses, camps and workshops organised for children has attracted many digital heroes, who are always excited to discover something new at Logiscool. Communication with parents and children is the key with which we opened the doors to our school. We constantly provided feedback to parents about their children's progress and made each child a friend.
We are glad that our work will put a brick in the foundation of our students' future.
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