Célunk, hogy a fiatalok ne csak tájékozódni tudjanak, hanem úttörők legyenek a fejlődő digitális világban
Egy Logiscool-os kisfiú édesanyja
Maradj naprakész a legfrissebb híreinkkel!

Örömmel jelentjük be, hogy 2024-ben is visszatér a nemzetközi Rajzpályázatunk! Ismét keressük az idei Junior Designert! Ha gyermeked egy egyedi játékfigurát alkot, és a műve az International Top 10-be kerül, digitálisan életre keltjük a rajzát a Scoolcode-ban, így ő lehet a diákjaink digitális projektjeinek sztárja. A Scoolerek egy rajzot nyújthatnak be személyenként 2024. október 7. és október 27. között (a benyújtás 18:00 GMT-kor zárul). Kezdődjön a kreatív kaland!

Are you interested in learning how programming and digital literacy can contribute to your children's successful future? Try it for free with your child! Take our free demo lesson online or in classrooms to discover a new and exciting world! With the help of our trainer, we will also talk about the importance of digital literacy. Don't miss this opportunity!
To participate, it is necessary to fill in the form for the desired date.
Ismerd meg csapatunkat
We joined the Logiscool school network in September 2021. We are with children and teenagers, teaching programming, robotics, game design and video production and editing courses, from the first steps in the field to a possible successful career in IT.
The courses and activities of our school are addressed to children and adolescents aged between 7 and 18 years.
To make programming easy to understand, logical and even fun, we created our own learning platform. Designed by a team of specialists, Scoolcode suits the age and level of knowledge of any student.
Digital literacy is becoming one of the basic skills of the 21st century, we want future generations to be not only passive users of technology, but those who will create and transform it further.
You can find out more about our program, the available courses, the activities in which children and teenagers can participate, by signing up for a free demo lesson, in which both children and parents can participate.
We contribute to the development of the skills needed for the 21st century and we already have over 100 students enrolled in our school's courses, camps and workshops.
Many of the students are already passionate and want to continue their courses in order to improve. Our team is growing and we currently have 5 young and enthusiastic trainers who dedicate their time and energy to Logiscool students to learn the skills needed for the 21st century.
In addition, the structure of interconnected modules allows for staged, natural and fast-learning. Students are guided by instructors to discover notions of programming with the help of games and visual control blocks. The multitude of animated characters and dynamic backgrounds on the platform guarantee that nothing will limit their creativity.
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