
Roblox Multiverse

Is your child passionate about Roblox and eager to go beyond just playing? Our Roblox Multiverse Camp is designed for young creators who want to explore game design, coding, and cooperative gameplay in a safe and engaging environment. Campers will use Roblox Studio, the game’s immersive creator engine, to develop their own games, from designing obstacle courses, crafting multiplayer challenges, or even creating teleportation portals that transport players across exciting virtual worlds!

Roblox Multiverse Camp

per a 7 - 13 anys

en línia, presencial

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

From Player to Game Developer!

Using Roblox Studio, campers will gain hands-on experience in game and level design, scripting, and interactive world-building. They’ll create custom maps, objects, and scripts while learning how to design engaging gameplay mechanics. By the end of the camp, they’ll have their first fully functional Roblox game that they can share with friends on multiple platforms—including mobile, Xbox, and PC.


Durant el casal, els nens i nenes faran:

Learn how to use Roblox Studio

Create custom maps, objects, and scripts

Understand the fundamentals of game design

Develop safe online gaming habits and learn about general internet safety

Explore cooperative gaming and interactive storytelling

Design teleportation mechanics to transport players across your game world


Kids do not need any previous training or knowledge to complete this camp. However, children should have their own Roblox account. If they don’t have one, our trainers can help them create an account using their parent’s email address at the camp.

Software necessari

  • For our offline camps: We provide all the necessary tools for the camp.

  • In case, the school opens online camps: To participate in the online camps, kids will need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. We recommend having a headset and a web camera too. All the necessary software is provided by us. With information on how to install the software, our school leaders will contact you prior to the camp.

Roblox Multiverse Camp

per a 7 - 13 anys

en línia, presencial

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

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Roblox Multiverse Camp
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Portal internacional de la comunitat educativa
Amb MyLogiscool, el nostre portal comunitari educatiu de classe mundial, els estudiants troben inspiració en els projectes dels companys. Poden practicar allò que van aprendre i millorar els seus coneixements mentre juguen amb les nostres genials mini missions, jocs d'alta puntuació, qüestionaris i desafiaments. La plataforma els anima a realitzar activitats útils i divertides entre lliçons i també els informa sobre les properes notícies i esdeveniments a Logiscool. Ajuda els teus fills/es a aprendre el llenguatge del futur! Reserva una classe demo gratuïta i permet-los descobrir els misteris més interessants del món digital.