Casals de Minecraft

Minecraft Movie

In one of our most exciting camps, kids can go beyond playing Minecraft and step into the world of content creation! Throughout the camp, they will create their own Minecraft movies—learning the fundamentals of video editing, cinematic techniques, and storytelling. In addition, they also learn the basic rules of internet safety. Using the Replay Mod and WeVideo, they will record, edit, and produce engaging Minecraft content while also exploring the creative possibilities of redstone structures.

Minecraft Movie Camp

per a 8 - 13 anys

en línia, presencial

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

Learn, Build, and Film!

With Minecraft, kids will develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills while experimenting with storytelling and video production. They will create timelapse builds, use special effects, and even craft short-form videos inspired by TikTok, Reels, and YouTube Shorts. By the end of the camp, each participant will have a unique Minecraft video to showcase!


Durant el casal, els nens i nenes faran:

Learn about Minecraft content creation and the basics of video production

Understand internet safety rules related to shared videos

Explore cinematic video styles and use the Replay Mod for professional-looking shots

Edit their Minecraft content using WeVideo: cutting scenes, adding effects, transitions, music, and text

Create engaging content, including timelapse builds, redstone tutorials, and short cinematic clips


Els nens no necessiten cap formació ni coneixements previs per completar aquest casal.

Software necessari

  • For our offline camps: The camp requires a valid Minecraft Java Edition license for the participant. They will get WeVideo license for the camp from the school coordinators. If you don’t have a Minecraft Java Edition license, you can purchase it here: Please note that Windows 10/Android/XBOX/PS4 licenses are NOT acceptable for this camp.

  • In case, the school opens online camps: Besides the aforementioned Minecraft Java Edition license, to participate in the online camp, kids will need a laptop or a computer at home with a solid internet connection, plus a built-in or external microphone. Additionally, the following mods must be installed on all computers: Fabric, Replay Mod, and ffmpeg for recording and editing gameplay (download guide will be available). We recommend having a headset and a web camera too.

Minecraft Movie Camp

per a 8 - 13 anys

en línia, presencial

Prerequisits: cap

Accés a MyLogiscool 24/7

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Minecraft Movie Camp
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Portal internacional de la comunitat educativa
Amb MyLogiscool, el nostre portal comunitari educatiu de classe mundial, els estudiants troben inspiració en els projectes dels companys. Poden practicar allò que van aprendre i millorar els seus coneixements mentre juguen amb les nostres genials mini missions, jocs d'alta puntuació, qüestionaris i desafiaments. La plataforma els anima a realitzar activitats útils i divertides entre lliçons i també els informa sobre les properes notícies i esdeveniments a Logiscool. Ajuda els teus fills/es a aprendre el llenguatge del futur! Reserva una classe demo gratuïta i permet-los descobrir els misteris més interessants del món digital.