Cursos de programació per a infants a Garraf
Cursos de programació per a infants a Garraf
Cursos de programació per a infants a Garraf
Cursos de programació per a infants a Garraf
Empodera els Innovadors del demà!
Mare d'un nen petit, Logiscool Budaörs
Mantingueu-vos al dia amb les últimes notícies de la comunitat!
Tens vacances a l'octubre o al novembre? Uneix-te als nostres campus temàtics i viu una experiència plena de tecnologia, diversió i l'esperit de Halloween!
Oferim tres setmanes d'activitats per a nens i nenes de 6 a 14 anys:
- Del 23 al 25 d'octubre (3 dies)
- Del 28 al 31 d'octubre (4 dies)
- Del 4 al 8 de novembre (5 dies)
El teu fill/a podrà gaudir de tallers emocionants de Minecraft, Roblox, RPG Maker, YouTube Studio i molt més.
Les places són limitades, així que no esperis!
We're happy to announce the return of our International Drawing Contest in 2024! Once again, we’re on the lookout for this year’s Junior Designers. If your child creates a unique game character and their artwork ranks in the International Top 10, we’ll bring their drawing to life digitally in Scoolcode, turning them into the stars of our students' digital projects. Scoolers can submit one drawing per person between October 7 and October 27, 2024 (submissions close at 6:00 p.m. GMT). Let the creativity begin!
Coneix el nostre equip!
The Garraf center opens its doors in June 2022 to allow all the kids and teens of the region to access the best coding and digital literacy courses and activities available worldwide. Coding is the language of the future which enables our future generations to develop digital skills and be better prepared for the labor market.
Our team is thrilled to be offering exciting fun-based courses, camps and workshops to your kids and teenagers. Just seeing how they love coming to our center is so satisfying for all of us!
Founded in 2014, Logiscool has taught to around 140.000 kids and teens in more than 29 countries worldwide. Recently established in Garraf we offer:
- our own educational online platform "Scoolcode" and proven method, ideal for kids from 6 years old up to 18
- more than 800 lessons of a wide range of topics (coding, robotics, Minecraft, Roblox, video production, artificial intelligence, ...): some kids have been studying with Logiscool for more than 6 years!
- a powerful international community through MyLogiscool portal where coding competitions, drawing contests and other events are organized throughout the year - our students love it!
- We also act outside our center and go to the local schools to spread the knowledge of coding and digital literacy to more people. For this, we offer different options of collaborations:
- we organise and take part of conferences or talks about different topics related to the digital world, free of charge.
- we offer extra curricular activities within the schools premises
- we also offer licensing opportunities to allow schools to incorporate coding in their curriculum.
Explora la nostra escola i experimenta la innovació de primera mà!
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